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About a month ago I had the opportunity to attend BlogHer Food ’11 as one of the Walmart Moms. And I must say I had the best time, especially rooming with my fellow Walmart Moms Sheena of Sophistishe & Denise of Wholesome Mommy.

reflection of the hotel we stayed in as well as where the conference was held
Even when I think I know a lot about a particular subject, I’m always amazed to be able to walk away knowing more than when I went in like with photography and vlogging for example which were two sessions that I just had to check out while I was at BlogHer Food. Sure I’ve been making videos and taking photos for my blog for years, but you just never know when you’ll have the “ah-ha” moment plus everyone could use more tips and tricks from “the professionals”. I’ve been trying out all that I learned from BlogHer Food here on my blog and I’m hoping that my food photography is improving just a bit (see Fourth of July: Celebration Salad for an example).

While I took lots of notes, I just couldn’t be everywhere at once. Liveblogs of the conference are available online which are a great resource to reference back to if I need to.
When it comes to photography and videography I’ve learned to rely on my tripod a lot more. Yes, using a tripod can be a hassle and a pain but it is a must! Also taking the extra time to set up the shot using props, clean white dishes, etc. is something that I’ve been trying to take time out to do a lot more of.

Wholesome Mommy and I posing with Charlie the Tuna
But amongst all the learning and mingling at BlogHer Food there was one question that came up a lot. What is a Walmart Mom? We are a group of Moms chosen by Walmart to share our experiences via our blogs as well as directly with Walmart. We are all different. We are all passionate about something. And we are all unique. I personally have enjoyed being a part of this group and love being able to share my voice with Walmart. Learn more about the Walmart Moms.

My experience at BlogHer Food ’11 was great. I definitely look forward to attending more conferences in the future. Lastly, I must give a huge thank you to Walmart for giving me the opportunity to attend this year. And if you are curious to see more photos from my trip, feel free to check them out on flickr.
Disclosure: I am a Walmart Mom. My conference pass and accommodations were provided by Walmart.